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Posts posted by jeeeko

    I would like to point out, that I have read all the "regulations/requirements" to be a Trial-Admin here. I would point out that on my account, I am yes indeed a new member of Raid. However, I would like to point out that experience-wise, I am not. I have had plenty of experience in other games, and on related CS:GO Community Servers. I have officially moved away from some of them mostly. Raid caught my attention after hopping on the retake for a bit. As a US player as well, I have already encountered a cheater when an admin was not online until they disconnected. I believe that I am following all requirements, and I am beyond the expectations for an Admin. If I am given the task at hand, I will get it done no matter what. You would be able to see this if I am given the chance to prove it. However, thus let us move on to the application portion.

    Real name:


    Previous experience:

    The experiences below will be a mix of Minecraft, Some discord related ones, and CS:GO.

    CS Server Owner - SkyHeros
    Moderator (x2) -(SS Verified) FaithfulMC Please login or register to see this link.  
    Moderator+ (Head SS)- Sarefine/Systic 
    Mod+ - HCNations
    Mod - ArsonPvP 
    Mod On Both - ValidHC/HCF & CavePvP 
    Admin - VeltPvP
    Admin - MineHQ (

    Manager - HCRealms
    Manager - HCBattles / Kitmap.US
    rainee - MinemenClub 
    Please login or register to see this link.
    Trainee - PvPTemple 
    Please login or register to see this link.

    Senior-Mod - VanityMC
    Please login or register to see this link.  

    Owner - ComodoPW
    Mod - HCRoyale
    Trainee Mineplex
    CS:GO JB Guard Edge-Gamers
    CS:GO JB Admin - TWW 
    CS:GO Retake Admin -

    I do have more experience I could list, but I would say these are the more known ones where I have been.

    Why I would make a good addition to the team:

    So I would like to start out with this. I came from the Minecraft Community. I was a freelancer there and still, sometimes I am. As of right now, I have decided to take a break and fully focus on CS:GO and have been focusing on TWW. Since I know I can not donate to show my appreciation, I am hoping that this application really stands out and you guys would see how much I want this spot. What you will be reading next is my positionings with these servers and or services. Hopefully, you still see that the skills I can bring to here I have learned from my past. Let us move on, so to say something, My name is Bryan and I have been playing CS:GO & mainly community servers for a while now. I release my passion for working with these servers and trying to help out as much as I can for these games.  I would say I am an exceptional leader in many ways.  I tend to be more of a freelancer now, but I am looking for somewhere long term to stay with now. I believe I should be Trial-Admin here for the number of skills and dedication I could bring and show here. The amount of dedication I am able to put in, makes me stand out to others. I am willing to put in the time, effort, work, and efficiency into Raid and not for just any reason. I want to give back to those who have helped me, and I just want to help out in general. I have seen people who just apply just to try getting the tag, or the clout for being an Admin somewhere, but I'm here to do a real job. I want people to be happy when they see me. When I worked in my real life, I would love it when kids who knew me from where I worked, would come to me and give me a hug, or give me a high five, or given just say "Hi again!" It's something that makes my day, and now it is my turn to help people here, in a way I can volunteer. I stand out mainly for the capabilities I have I would say. Nothing to me fully limits me. I try to do my best to go as far as I can with where I go. I am not the person you see just to give up. Compared to other admins, I would love to work with them. This is somewhere I feel I can and will soon call home. 

    How often do you visit our forums?:
    I visit the forums a bit now.  Although being new to them, I have read some of the threads here, including ones regarding VIP, which I am interested in purchasing. Besides that, I just less browse the forums. 

    In-game name:

    Please login or register to see this link.

    Discord tag (name#1234):

    Primary server:

    How often do you play on our servers:
    I play on the Raid servers more often now, and I plan to play more. As I am US, I can only play so much when others are online! Besides that, I am usually on whenever I can, and it is enjoyable!