• Our Servers

    CoD4 Deathrun
    CoD4 Deathrun
    Players: 0 / 48
    Current Map: mp_dr_caelum
    CoD4 Surf
    CoD4 Surf
    Players: 0 / 32
    Current Map: mp_surf_rebel
    CoD4 Combined Operations
    CoD4 Combined Operati…
    Players: 12 / 32
    Current Map: mp_bo2_town
    CoD4 Star Wars: Galactic Warfare
    CoD4 Star Wars: Galac…
    Players: 0 / 32
    Current Map: n/a
    CoD4 Fun (High Jump)
    CoD4 Fun (High Jump)
    Players: 0 / 32
    Current Map: mp_crash_snow
    CoD4 Party Games
    CoD4 Party Games
    Players: 0 / 32
    Current Map: n/a
    CS:GO AWP Only
    CS:GO AWP Only
    Players: 0 / 26
    Current Map: n/a
    CS:GO Multi-1v1
    CS:GO Multi-1v1
    Players: 0 / 24
    Current Map: n/a
    CS:GO Retakes #1
    CS:GO Retakes #1
    Players: 0 / 16
    Current Map: n/a
    CS:GO Retakes #2
    CS:GO Retakes #2
    Players: 0 / 16
    Current Map: n/a
    CS:GO Surf
    CS:GO Surf
    Players: 0 / 64
    Current Map: n/a
    CS:GO Competitive 5v5
    CS:GO Competitive 5v5
    Players: 0 / 64
    Current Map: n/a
    CS:GO Executes
    CS:GO Executes
    Players: 0 / 14
    Current Map: n/a
    Total Servers: 13 4 Filled Servers: 2.78% Total Players: 12 / 432 Most Players: 179 Last Updated:
    No Players
    No Players
    # Nickname Score Time Played
    bot9 170 kills
    bot0 116 kills
    bot7 116 kills
    bot1 114 kills
    bot6 110 kills
    bot2 104 kills
    bot10 96 kills
    bot4 88 kills
    bot8 74 kills
    bot5 66 kills
    bot3 60 kills
    bot11 30 kills
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players
    No Players

    Google+ Sign-In

    By atrX,

    Hi there!


    Due to the shutdown of Google+, we will be discontinuing the support for signing in through Google+. The permanent removal of Google+ as a sign in option will take effect on March 7th. Until then, there will be gradual, controlled outages of the sign in service of Google+ (this is not us, but Google doing this). If you are having trouble signing in, try again a few hours later.


    If you are using Google+ as your only authentication method, you should attach a password to your account now so you don't lose access once Google+ Sign-In is removed. You can set a password for your account here: Please login or register to see this link.


    Regards, atrX.

    Happy holidays from the Raid Gaming team!

    By atrX,

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

    Due to time constraints and me being generally preoccupied with college and other work lately we won't have a big holiday event this year. What we will however do is grant everyone 2 days of VIP, starting 24/12 at 4PM GMT until 26/12 at 4PM GMT. :) This will be for both deathrun and surf (since our VIP system isn't tied to a specific server).

    Additionally, 2x XP will be enabled on deathrun from 28/11 at 10PM GMT until 30/11 at 12AM GMT.

    I promise to make up for the lack of special events next year (plus we have a mapping contest coming in ~2 weeks). :x

    First level 80 player on Deathrun!

    By atrX,

    I'd like to take a moment to congratulate @Fedzor for being the first player to reach level 80. He has hereby won the race and will receive 3 months of free VIP.

    We'll have more little competitions like this in the future for others to have a chance to win something. :) 

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