Real name: Nordine
Age: 19
Previous experience: No, but I have moderated several Twitch chats and discords in the past
Why I would make a good addition to the team: I have 200 hours in the server, I am a Tryhard, several times on the server I was TOP 1 on "3rabb" and "????????????????????" I'm still on the retake server and I'm nice and I would represent the Belgians, I could also be there to reduce toxic players and ban cheaters, while being 100% in my role.
Rate your English skills on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being poor and 5 being fluent): 2
Do you speak languages other than English? : French, English, Dutch, Moroccan
Game name: ??????????????????????
Steam: https: //
Discord tag (name # 1234): As7ash # 8124
Are you active on Discord? : I am on the discord Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday
Knowledge of SourceMod (on a scale of 1 to 5: 2
Main server: Retake # 1 Retake # 2 all the time on it.
How often do you play on our servers? : I am on the server all the time, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Anything you want to add? : yes: I sympathized with some member of the server and we go together on discord in appeal to be able to all meet on the server and against each other