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About wav33

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  • Birthday 05/04/01

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Call of Duty 4

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  1. Thanks guys, and congratz @Fedzor !
  2. Real name: Attila Age: 17 Previous experience: I was admin on Semtex deathrun and in some other little clans. Why I would make a good addition to the team: I think im mature enough, and i can help for this clan. How often do you visit our forums?: Now i dont really visit the forums but when i played on the old Raid server I visited it very often. In-game name: wav33, Wav3yNinja B3 CID (type !regtest in game): 1406 Steam: nenja14 Knowledge of B3 (on a scale of 1-5): 2/5 Primary server: Deathrun How often do you play on our servers?: I played hundreds of hours on the old Raid deathrun and i found that the server started again and started to play again. By the way i dont have 50 hours on the servers but I played very much time on the old raid servers and i think its enough for it. [I maybe have some grammar mistakes, sorry about it im not english]