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yungsnapz last won the day on April 15 2020

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About yungsnapz

  • Birthday 08/02/06

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Call of Duty 4

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  1. gl
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  3. it shut because the owner (John) got into a car crash and he shut it i speak to some of the staff but apart from that havent heard if hes reopening the server or not yet
  4. Real name: Zack Marks. Age:13 , 14 on August the 2nd. Previous experience:I have not been staff on any Csgo Servers , but was staff on 1 gmod server for a couple of weeks wasn't too big it was called MythosRp , i was a moderator then got promoted to staff manager a week before it shut. Why I would make a good addition to the team:I Think i would make a good addition to the staff team and server because i actively plaay on the server and can help new players to the game or even help new staff members when i get used to being a staff member. (if i get in) How often do you visit our forums?:I don't visit them much i only just made a account for your forums but can visit them a couple times a day if needed. In-game name:MυϝϝιɳSteam: tag (name#1234):yungsnapz#2100 Primary server:Retakes and Awp going to start playing on the 5v5 soon when i get a little bit better. How often do you play on our servers?:i come on the server at least 1 time a day but some days i come on for most of the day when im bored and want to relax for a bit.