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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Unfortunately I'm nowhere near 100 years old so no. High jump/fun gets some players every now and then, but it's not very active sadly. Anyway, welcome.
  2. My exams haven't even started yet, that's a nope.
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions so far! I'll be opening a voting topic next week, so those who still want to suggest some songs, be quick.
  4. OMG IT'S MO
  5. Aww come on, I'm sure you're a promod god.
  6. Welcome to the team! Make sure you read the appropriate topics in the admin section.
  7. We regret to inform you your application has been denied, you may apply again in 30 days.
  8. We regret to inform you your application has been denied, you may apply again in 30 days.
  9. You seem awfully obsessed.
  10. Your application has hereby been denied.
  11. Failure to meet the following requirement: 50 hours played You may re-apply again in 30 days.
  12. Tad bit on the short side. Either way, your application is available for voting.
  13. Your application is now available to be voted on.
  14. I've just realised something... Denied because you stink.
  15. I JK my friend. I'll put up a voting topic when I get home. Doesn't take away from the fact Manu is still shit.
  16. Denied, Manu is dogshit.
  17. Why did lazy me not check up on this? Thanks for pointing this out. Declined due to failure to meet the requirements. You may apply again in 30 days.
  18. Fairly certain it's only been 1 day. Declined.
  19. Fairly certain it's only been 1 day. Declined.
  20. Unfortunately your application has been denied, reasons have been conveyed to you in Discord.
  21. We'll discuss this matter internally. I'll respond back when we've come to a decision.
  22. We regret to inform you your application has been declined. You may re-apply in 30 days.
  23. We regret to inform you your application has been declined. You may re-apply in 30 days.
  24. Updated requirements: Added rule regarding conflicts of interest. This has been an unspoken rule in the past but I've now explicitly added it to the requirements. For the record, regular server admins of other communities are free to apply, this rule only affects those who are in a managerial position somewhere else.