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Posts posted by atrX

  1. 11 hours ago, ERICOS said:

    Age: 20

    Previous moderation experience: 

    getting kicked of the game.

    Why I would make a good Community Manager:

    Im not Raky.

    What is your idea of an ideal CS:GO Hub?

    Rush B suka blyat.

    Steam (please also link it on your profile):

    And this, my friends, is how you get instantly denied a position that requires some maturity and capability of being serious.

  2. Do you want to become the face of the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Hub? Fill out the form provided and you will be entered in a community vote to become a Community Manager.



    Previous moderation experience:

    Why I would make a good Community Manager:

    What is your idea of an ideal CoD:BO3 Hub?

    Steam (please also link it on your profile):

    Failure to use the template will result in you not being entered in the vote.

  3. Do you want to become the face of the new Call of Duty: World at War Hub? Fill out the form provided and you will be entered in a community vote to become a Community Manager.



    Previous moderation experience:

    Why I would make a good Community Manager:

    What is your idea of an ideal CoD:WaW Hub?

    Steam (please also link it on your profile):

    Failure to use the template will result in you not being entered in the vote.

  4. Do you want to become the face of the new Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Hub? Fill out the form provided and you will be entered in a community vote to become a Community Manager.



    Previous moderation experience:

    Why I would make a good Community Manager:

    What is your idea of an ideal CS:GO Hub?

    Steam (please also link it on your profile):

    Failure to use the template will result in you not being entered in the vote.

  5. That title though... First things first, no I'm not going to kill off Raid anytime soon (quite the opposite, actually). As everyone is well aware, our servers, forums and Discord haven't exactly been the most active. As a result, I've been wanting to diversify our community a bit, introduce new games and generalise it a bit more rather than just "we host servers". In this post I'm going to be laying out my current plans. Anyone is free to give feedback and introduce new ideas (any help is welcome, I want to see this community shine like it used to).


    Game/Community Hubs

    Hubs will act as a place of discussion for a game. They'll be run by Community Managers (more on these further down the post) who will moderate, organise events etc. Since we can't just create a hub for every game in existence, I want people to actually come forward and request to add a new hub when they have a group of people interested in said game. We'll have a dedicated section on the forums for hub requests with clear instructions on how the process is handled.


    Community Managers

    If these changes are effective and bring in more people, we're going to need some people to manage each hub. This is where Community Managers come in. These individuals would be community-elected (we into politics now bois) and serve as the primary administrators of their respective hub. They can run their hub as they wish, so long as they listen to the community of said hub. Basically, they're like moderators of a subreddit, for those familiar with Reddit.



    The Discord server will get a serious overhaul to be more in line with the whole hub thing. We don't want to make it too crowded though (not have 100 different text channels for a singular game) so we'll have to impose limits on hubs based on popularity and the type of game. You'll be able to assign yourself groups through a bot based on what hubs you want to be in. Once you're in a hub's group you'll be able to see the channels related to the hub and partake in discussions and events.


    What of the servers?

    Our CoD4 servers will continue to be run as normal, nothing really changes here. However, once the overhaul of the leaderboards, servers page and Echelon are done, we might start putting up servers for popular hubs. More details once we're actually ready for it.


    So yeah, let me know what you think. If you have any ideas worth sharing, don't hesitate. All of your opinions matter to us, we want to provide you with the best possible community experience we can. :) 

    I've attached a poll to the post so we can get a bit of an overview on the amount of people that like/dislike the idea. If you vote (especially if you vote no), we'd really appreciate if you also explained your choice.


    As a final note, I'd like to thank everyone that's been there with us up to this point. You've all been wonderful and it means a lot to me that there's people who genuinely care a lot about our community. :x

    3 people like this

  6. Hi there!

    We've just launched our own Promod server (well, yesterday...)! :) Please login or register to see this link.  It's pretty barebones right now as I've been busy with other things, but I did promised to get it out by the end of the month so yeah... :P I'll probably update the mod with new stuff at some point. My main focus was the new server-sided anti cheat, which covers a few common types of cheats and has been rolled out onto most of our servers (basically all the ones where it would actually be useful). The new anti cheat will be updated and adjusted regularly (though you won't notice, as it's completely server-sided).

    Regards, atrX.

  7. Leaderboards system will be a thing in an upcoming update, as stated in our roadmap (which has slightly changed since the announcement, surf update will come with the leaderboards update, not before due to requiring close integration). It'll be a complete overhaul of what we currently have with the surf one, with a web frontend and some ingame commands to see your rank and the top 10 of the map/server. I'm probably also going to be adding a bunch of challenges and special, weekly events to the server with the leaderboards update but no details on that yet.


    22 minutes ago, Cloudy said:

    Also, about the map rotation I don't think there's much which can be done with that either unless some sort of community poll was made (even then, would be pointless because there's no community to vote) or if someone took charge and found the most liked maps of deathrun and put them in the rotation to have someone actively working on the map rotation then that might bring a fresher feel as the same maps won't be played over and over.

    You do realise we have a custom rotation system that forces you to play all but 5 (due to the vote requiring 6 maps to start) of the 124 maps currently in the rotation before you can play the same map again, right? I made it exactly for that reason, I'm well aware people would bitch about the same maps being played. Now all they can do is make suggestions to expand the rotation even further as it can, in theory, handle however many maps you want.

  8. I'm not exactly contributing much myself right now, BO3 mod tools got me hooked. :dave: Once Promod goes up we'll see if that brings in some players. Other than that, I'm clueless. I was mostly expecting some people to join and then tell their friends and get the server populated that way, didn't really work out it seems. We had a good first 2 months and then it died out. Some YouTube publicity would be ideal I suppose but it'd probably be hard to get the server full enough to have anyone record a proper video.

  9. Your application is now available to be voted on.

    PS: I'm just stating this here so I have some place that I can say I officially said this: This is the last app I'm giving a pass for having less than 50 hours played on the new servers as it complicates things for us.

  10. Everything starts with the basic requirements, so does scripting. In this tutorial we will go over the basics you'll need to start scripting.


    Picking an Editor

    Unless you're nuts and want to use Notepad, you'll need a good editor which doesn't make your eyes bleed after using it for 15 minutes. My personal pick for the best editor goes out to Please login or register to see this link. . It has a built-in extension and theming system with a database of several thousand extensions and hundreds of themes to pick from that can all be installed from within your editor.

    There are of course alternatives. The king of speed is still Please login or register to see this link. , Please login or register to see this link.  is insanely modular and even good old Please login or register to see this link.  isn't completely terrible (I hate you if you actually use this for any sort of programming work). You can use whatever suits your needs. None of these editors were purpose built for GSC though (if anyone knows any that are, link me so I can chuckle), so we'll have to rely on extensions/plugins/whatever your editor calls it to support our lovely little language.

    This tutorial does assume you'll be using Visual Studio Code throughout and any extensions linked are only compatible with this specific editor.


    Installing Extensions

    I'm not going to spend my time explaining this when there's plenty of useful resources that have already done so much better than I possibly could, so I'll just link you this article from Microsoft: Please login or register to see this link.


    Syntax Highlighting

    Let's get the big one out of the way first. Syntax highlighting is a MUST if you're going to be staring at code all day (unless you really like white, for some reason). The best available syntax highlighting for GSC available for VSCode right now is Please login or register to see this link. , so go ahead and install it. It should automatically start associating any .gsc file opened in VS Code with the GSC syntax provided by the extension.

    I'll update this tutorial if I ever get off my lazy ass and make my own fork of this extension with proper function name casing and other improvements.



    If you are like me, you might want to change the way VS Code looks by installing a theme. You can find many great themes by browsing the Please login or register to see this link.  or by Googling for a top-X list. My current favourite is one I actually made myself: Please login or register to see this link. . It was originally purpose made for Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript being the main focus languages) but it works quite well with GSC as well. Some other great themes include Please login or register to see this link.Please login or register to see this link.Please login or register to see this link. , Monokai (there's like a billion different versions so if you want that go find one you like).

    Additionally, you can also install an icon pack like Please login or register to see this link. .



    I've also installed a bunch of additional extensions (though, most weren't for CoD) which help me work faster and more efficiently. Here's the ones I'd recommend if you're going to be using this solely for CoD:

    • Please login or register to see this link. : Because editing CSV files is a pain in the ass.
    • Please login or register to see this link. : Highlights TODOs and FIXMEs in your comments.
    • Please login or register to see this link. : View a list of all your TODOs and FIXMEs spread across your project.
    • Please login or register to see this link. : If you're going to be working with a team and want consistency in the way you format code.
    1 person likes this

  11. Getting Started

    • Please login or register to see this link.


    Scripting Basics

    1. Please login or register to see this link.
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    13. Please login or register to see this link.
    14. Please login or register to see this link.

    General Scripting

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    • Please login or register to see this link.
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    • Please login or register to see this link.
    • Please login or register to see this link.
    • Please login or register to see this link.

    Useful Resources

    • Please login or register to see this link.  (Stock CoD4/WaW functions, CoD4U + Surf Mod functions)


    Personal note: I brought these back since people were asking for them. They're mostly an exact copy of a 2015 tutorial series I did. There may be some wrong information and there's definitely a lot of missing information but I feel like these are still your best place to start when it comes to tutorials (though, my preferred method is still studying source code). I updated the Prerequisites one mainly due to the fact that for some reason I love talking about editors, other than that, yeah, I probably won't update these any time soon.

  12. Basic Movement Functions

    These are the basic functions used to move an entity often used:

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    What does X, Y and Z stand for?

    X, Y and Z correspond with the axises in Radiant, meaning:

    • X is the horizontal axis (left to right increases X-value, right to left decreases X-value).
    • Y is the vertical axis (bottom to top increases Y-value, top to bottom decreases Y-value).
    • Z is the height (low to high increases Z-value, high to low decreases Z-value).



    There's 2 more handy functions to move entities, one of which is not really common (moveGravity()) but still good to know about:

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    Waiting for movement to finish

    When an entity finishes moving a notify is sent named "movedone", this can be used to make a function wait for movement to finish.

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    More on notify and waittill: 


  13. Basic Rotation Functions

    These are the basic functions to rotate an entity often used:

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    Bear in mind that when working with rotations pitch, roll and yaw depend on the entity's orientation on the x, y and z axis. Here's a picture that will help you in finding the function you'll need:

    Image result for cod4 axis rotation



    There's 2 more handy functions to rotate entities but they're not as common as the ones previously mentioned:

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    Waiting for a rotation to finish

    When an entity finishes rotating a notify is sent named "rotatedone", this can be used to make a function wait for a rotation to finish.

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    More on notify and waittill: 


  14. Creating a HUD element

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    Destroying a HUD element

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    Resetting a HUD element to its default state

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    Modifying a HUD element

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    If that's not enough for you, then here's the FULL list of every HUD element attribute with their respective data type (some appear to be missing from this list, but they've been mentionned before, also, some may not work in CoD4 and WaW):

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    Additional HUD functions

    There's a couple functions I've not covered here, got to any scripting reference for CoD and you'll find all functions available (eg: Please login or register to see this link. ).