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Dark last won the day on August 24 2019

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About Dark

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    Some kid from Hawaii
  • Birthday 04/27/99

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Call of Duty 4

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  1. I assume the body has aged, but the mind has remained the same … kid … lmao
  2. Aloha everyone, Not sure if many of you remember me. I was frequently on the DR servers in Cod4 about 6 years ago or so. Many of the OG's from back then will definitely recall my name; some remembered me by "that guy from Hawaii". Anyhow, I stopped playing DR after moving to college, and then progressed into playing CS:GO. Which brings me into the reason why I'm writing this post. Casually playing a competitive map, and on the other team I see someone by the name of |Fish| Cat. Weird... rang a bell in my head that I couldn't really find. Then the flashbacks started hitting.. Raid Server, Cod4, Codjumper, Deathrun, good times. I typed in chat acknowledging this guy, and he was just as shocked as I was that I remembered who he was. Vague, but for 6 years not too shabby. to say the least. Proceeded to add him on Steam, chatted a bit, got reacquainted. Names were bought up that I haven't heard in almost a decade. It was crazy how I could recall so many memories just by some names (IE Anti, Darmuh, Lossy, Cat, Grezwal, Triton, Grapes, etc). It was an insane nostalgia trip, and the biggest coincidence to have run into someone I remembered from so long ago. I guess you could call this an introduction to the current Raid Gaming community, but also an "It's been a while" to the ones who first started it all. I joined this community officially in December of 2013, and let me just say that it was quite the experience. Thank you for the memories, it was a heck of a time. It's nice to see some familiar names still. Message me if you'd like to catch up sometime! Wish all is well, Jarin (Dark)