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About franc100poke

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/02/91

Personal Information

Call of Duty 4

  • In-game Name
  • B3 CID


  • In-game Name
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My Setup

  • CPU
  • GPU
  • Motherboard
  • Memory
  • Power Supply
    600 Mhz
  • Storage
    4Tera SSD
  • Case
  • Monitor
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Headset
    Gnosis - Virtual 7.1 Surround
  • Microphone
  • Operating System
    Windows 7 64 Bit
  1. Real name: PUMA Age:31 Previous experience: yes Why I would make a good addition to the team: I am very active on cod 4 and your servers, i see alot of t, mic , toxic and racist people join the server as well as hackers, I would like to help get rid of those people as it brings a bad reputation to the server, I am a very patient and tolerant person and would like to make the community the best it could be. Rate your English skills on a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being bad and 5 being fluent): 5 Do you speak any other languages besides English?: no How often do you visit our forums?: Rarely, but would be open to looking at it more. In-game name: Luxas Steam: Discord tag (name#1234):Luxas#6578 Knowledge of SourceMod (on a scale of 1-5):0 but i am a good learner. Primary server: Retakes. How often do you play on our servers?: I play the servers daily, hours at a time. Anything else you want to add?: Although i have no past experience in being a staff, i believe starting off here would be a great opportunity for myself and for the community as i would be helping it.
  2. Real name:franc100poke Age: 30 Previous game deathrun Why I would make a good addition to the team: i would like to train in retake seriously and beeing a good player a good team mates for other people, so i want to ban the cheaters how try to came sometime in the server and making us bad. Rate your English skills on a scale of 2-9 (with 6 being bad and 4 being fluent): 7 maybe 8 Do you speak any other languages besides English?: portugese, spanish In-game name: PUMA Discord tag (name#8932 PUMA How active are you in Discord?: often 2.1 Knowledge of SourceMod (on a scale of 1-5):1 yes Primary server: Retakes #1 and retakes#2 How often do you play on our servers?: 5 in 20 h a week maybe more ^^yes Anything else you want to add?: love the server and i want to be a part for a better and i know all admins in the server, i am very friendly with deathrun szerver ^^