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Showing most liked content on 07/13/18 in Posts

  1. 5 likes
    Hi there! I've just pushed out an update to Deathrun adding some new stuff like geo trails, old Raid skins and a bunch of new maps. Also in this new update is a bunch of changes and fixes for problems you've all reported. For more information, check the changelog: Aside from the update I wanted to also put out a quick roadmap for the near future. In order, my current priority is: Slay V3 Raid Promod Raid Fun/High Jump Raid Surf update (new customisation including some of the stuff that was added to Deathrun and possibly some other new stuff) Leaderboard frontend overhaul and integration with Deathrun (currently https://raid-gaming.net/surf/) Hope to see you all on the server! PS: Yes, I was indeed too lazy to redo the spectator input overlay for this update, maybe in the next one. Regards, atrX.