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Posts posted by Cloudy

  1. On 7/15/2018 at 0:03 PM, iiManix said:

    In all seriousness, emotes would be a surefire way of getting people in the server quickly and sustainably.

    That's only based on opinion, I however don't think that the server features particularly matter about the population of the server. People care more about having a good map rotation, a leaderboards system (this will benefit DR, apologies if it's already in the mod) to give people something to drive for other than just the regular unlockables. Take Blur, IceOps (who were which still very popular up until @iiManix and I), TwS, and JoKe (to name a few); they all had no particular features which stood out, no exclusive maps, weapons, assets (most literally had an edited hud, however Blur was default) yet they were still popular and I believe it's due to the dedication of the owners at the time, there just isn't the dedication anymore due to the decrease in population of CoD4 DR in general. What I'm trying to say is that if Raid (in my opinion) want to stride back up to the top then it's going to need a completely new approach. As far as the mod is concerned, I don't think that's the problem at all as to why there's nobody in Raid, I believe it's to do with the contributing factors I have previously mentioned. Also, about the map rotation I don't think there's much which can be done with that either unless some sort of community poll was made (even then, would be pointless because there's no community to vote) or if someone took charge and found the most liked maps of deathrun and put them in the rotation to have someone actively working on the map rotation then that might bring a fresher feel as the same maps won't be played over and over.

  2. Good luck! 

    I believe I was in the pXg deathrun tournament with you? Cool guy and generally a nice lad, personally would give him a chance :).

    1 person likes this

  3. 9 hours ago, atrX said:

    Asset manager settings seem fine. Is the image only pixelated in game or also elsewhere? I tend to export as TGA for 2D materials so what were your export settings for that (I personally use non-compressed 32-bit, which is what has always worked for me)?

    I also use non-compressed 32-bit. The image looks fine everywhere except for in-game.

    It seems like it doesn't actually compress it in DXT5, as if CoD4 can only do DXT1 compression regardless of the other compression options. Seems to be the same with every image (even WASD + Spacebar images with rounded corners, once again looks like DXT1 compression).

  4. Image dimensions are 584 x 456 (Also tried other dimensions, doesn't make a difference).

    Please login or register to see this link.  - Also tried all different compression and alphaTest to GE128 instead of Blend.

    Background is alpha 

    Export settings are - Please login or register to see this link.

  5. Thought this would be one of the best places to ask so I didn't have to hassle @atrX on Steam :P

    Basically I'm wondering why this image is so pixelated? For some reason it uses the DXT1 compression however I saved it as a .dds with DXT5 compression, then in asset manager I tried both DXT5 compression in the settings and uncompressed.

    Please login or register to see this link.

    I have tried both dds and tga formats

  6. Alright thanks.

    Are there any hats made already in order for me to use, or would I have to make the hats myself? (not sure how to do that). Searched google but couldn't find anything related to hats on there.

  7. Hello, I was wondering if there were any hats available for CoD4 which have already been ported and downloadable? 

    If not, are there any tutorials on such porting for Hats to CoD4?

    Thanks & Regards,

    Cloudy :)