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  1. 6 likes
    Changelog New: Added 7 new FX trails (thanks @Mist) Added 4 new geometry trails (thanks @xoxor4d0xzz) Community Announcement and Admin Message through B3 (admins only, across all servers) !join commands (only able to add these on Deathrun and Surf, unfortunately) Added 5 more maps to the rotation (mp_deathrun_hop, mp_deathrun_wood, mp_deathrun_ponies, mp_dr_merry_xmas, mp_dr_fallrun) Changes: Reverted weapon skins to the old Raid ones (the really shiny gold ones) Ghosts now have ammo (and can also under no circumstances damage the activator) VIP Deagle now has a purple muzzleflash Removed clip blocking the activator from getting close to the end door on mp_deathrun_liferun Added back Beatthat's Deagle to mp_dr_destiny Fixes: Killcam will now also trigger for the activator when players are in ghost run Fixed endmap triggers on some maps Fixed traps not giving XP on some maps Fixed mp_dr_bounce endrooms Fixed mp_dr_blue to force fullbright regardless of your preferences Fixed mp_deathrun_factory's endgame music overlapping with the endround songs Fixed mp_deathrun_factory's sniper room never getting enabled if players in in ghost run Fixed mp_dr_destiny's final fight not getting enabled if players are in ghost run Server now has enough time to display the winning map of a mapvote properly Added mp_deathrun_factory to the exception list for anti spawn camp to prevent people from dying when jumping into spawn from the activator room Fixed spectator button overlay overlapping with ghost run text Added back the german shepard model and animations (mp_deathrun_cherry endroom fix) If you find any more bugs or issues, please report them here: https://raid-gaming.net/forum/79-bug-reports-feature-requests/
  2. 5 likes
    Hi there! I've just pushed out an update to Deathrun adding some new stuff like geo trails, old Raid skins and a bunch of new maps. Also in this new update is a bunch of changes and fixes for problems you've all reported. For more information, check the changelog: Aside from the update I wanted to also put out a quick roadmap for the near future. In order, my current priority is: Slay V3 Raid Promod Raid Fun/High Jump Raid Surf update (new customisation including some of the stuff that was added to Deathrun and possibly some other new stuff) Leaderboard frontend overhaul and integration with Deathrun (currently https://raid-gaming.net/surf/) Hope to see you all on the server! PS: Yes, I was indeed too lazy to redo the spectator input overlay for this update, maybe in the next one. Regards, atrX.