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MyThiiC last won the day on January 5 2020

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About MyThiiC

  • Birthday April 20

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Call of Duty 4

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  1. Real name: Jordan Age:19 Previous experience: I currently have no prior experience as an administrator, but have been in the Raid Community since 2014. Why I would make a good addition to the team: I feel I would make an excellent addition to the team as I am a very approachable and friendly person (but strict when need be) and have been around the Raid Community since early 2011. I enjoy watching Raid grow as it expands into other games and I would like to help keep the community alive and give our player base an enjoyable experience. How often do you visit our forums?: I visit the forums almost daily to check in and see what's new within the Raid Community. In-game name: MyThiiC Steam: Discord tag (name#1234): MyThiiC#7160 Primary server: Retakes How often do you play on our servers?: I usually play daily for 2-3 hours or more depending on the day! P.S I can never get the time played command to work therefore I'm not certain if I meet the 20 hours but fingers crossed <3
  2. I would like to bring forth the idea of removing the activator AFK trap activating feature, whos with me?
  3. Great map, excited to see it in the rotation!
  4. Great map, only played it once but can't wait to play it more!
  5. sup my fellow dark skinned acquaintance
  6. Good luck!
  7. Best of luck my guy!
  8. I've seen you on quite a bit, seem like a genuinely good guy. Best of luck!