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Showing most liked content on 03/05/22 in all areas

  1. 5 likes
    Hi there! I've just pushed out an update to Deathrun adding some new stuff like geo trails, old Raid skins and a bunch of new maps. Also in this new update is a bunch of changes and fixes for problems you've all reported. For more information, check the changelog: Aside from the update I wanted to also put out a quick roadmap for the near future. In order, my current priority is: Slay V3 Raid Promod Raid Fun/High Jump Raid Surf update (new customisation including some of the stuff that was added to Deathrun and possibly some other new stuff) Leaderboard frontend overhaul and integration with Deathrun (currently https://raid-gaming.net/surf/) Hope to see you all on the server! PS: Yes, I was indeed too lazy to redo the spectator input overlay for this update, maybe in the next one. Regards, atrX.
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    Got auto modded for spam reporting a griefer pinging my position.
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    It's a smaller update with the main feature being the all new Double Jump events (join today at 12PM EST/5PM GMT/6PM CET). Changelog New: Double Jump events (press jump again mid-air to double jump) Added mp_dr_celerity to the rotation Changes: Map records won't submit if Double Jump is enabled Server name now shows "190 speed" as per the suggestion of @Caspa Removed mp_dr_raky from the rotation Fixes: Disable AFK activation if there is more than 1 activator Removed Crowbar worldmodel (melee weapons aren't supposed to have a world model) We'll have 2x XP enabled for the duration of the weekend and double jump for the duration of the event.
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    Hello, whoiswad! Please make a ticket at https://raid-gaming.net/support/ Regards, goekjeks!
  5. 1 like
    Server Dvars Server dvars (or host dvars) are a kind of variable accessible through console (though, cheat protected). You can both modify and request the value of a server dvar through script. Saved Dvars Saved dvars are saved in the save game and are reset to default on level change. Saved dvar functions only work on dvars that have the 'SAVED' parameter set. Client Dvars Client dvars are, as the name suggest, client side dvars. Using GSC, these can only be adjusted, not retrieved. There is however a few workarounds which I might cover in later tutorials. Client dvars are always accessible through CSC (clientscript), which, again, might be covered later on in another tutorial. Functions getDvar( <dvar> ); Usage: Get the value of a dvar as a string. This can only fetch server/host dvars, not client dvars. Client dvars can be fetched through clientscript using getDvar(). Arguments: <dvar>: The dvar name as a string. Example: if (getDvar("debug_skipintro" == "on")) { // Code } setDvar( <dvar>, <value> ); Usage: Set the value of a dvar. If the 'development' dvar is set then any dvar can be set, otherwise only external dvars (dvars that are not set through code) can be set. This will only work for server dvars. Arguments: <dvar>: The dvar name as a string. <value>: The new dvar value. Example: setDvar("r_eyesAdjust", "1"); getDvarInt( <dvar> ); Usage: Gets the value of a dvar as an integer. Arguments: <dvar>: The dvar name as a string. Example: level.fogtype = getDvarInt("scr_fog_type"); getDvarFloat( <dvar> ); Usage: Gets the value of a dvar as a float. Arguments: <dvar>: The dvar name as a string. Example: oldDelay = getDvarFloat("effect_delay"); setSavedDvar( <dvar>, <value> ); Usage: Sets the value of a dvar. Saved dvars are saved in the save game and are reset to default on level change. Only works on dvars that have the 'SAVED' parameter set. Arguments: <dvar>: The dvar name as a string. <value>: The new dvar value. Example: setSavedDvar("r_eyesAdjust", "1"); setClientDvar( <dvar>, <value> ); Usage: Sets the value of a client dvar. Arguments: <dvar>: The dvar name as a string. <value>: The new dvar value. Example: self setClientDvar("cg_drawhud", "0"); setClientDvars( <dvar>, <value>, <dvar>, <value>, ... ); Usage: Sets the value of a list of client dvars. Arguments: <dvar>: The dvar name as a string. <value>: The new dvar value. Note: You can have as many of these as you'd like. Example: self setClientDvars("cg_drawhud", "0", "cg_draw2d", "0");
  6. 1 like
    Data Types Unlike most programming languages, CoDScript does not require you to specify a data type for a variable, it is however helpful to know what each data type used by CoDScript is: String: Sequence of characters Integer (int): Whole number (ex: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...) Floating point number (float): Rational number (ex: 3.14, 1.337, ...) Boolean (bool): True or false Array: Collection of variables, new elements can be inserted at any given time Vector3: Can be compared to an array with a size of 3, in GSC it acts basically identically to an array except that you shouldn't insert new values, only edit the 3 existing ones
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    Arguments Arguments are variables initialised by passing data to a function like this: main() { myFunction(1); } myFunction(argument) { iPrintln(argument); // This will print out "1" } You can also pass variables as an argument: main() { var = 1; myFunction(var); } myFunction(argument) { // At this point argument is equal to the value passed to it iPrintln(argument); // This will print out "1" } You can have as many arguments as you want, just bear in mind to give them a decent name, so not like this: function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) { // Now what did these arguments stand for again? Hmm... } Naming arguments is incredibly important in maintaining structure in your scripts as these are the names you'll be using throughout your scripts!
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    What are Arithmetic Operators? Arithmetic operators are used to do mathematical calculations. These are the arithmetic operators available in CoDScript: // Operator: + // Meaning: Addition var = var1 + var2; // Operator: - // Meaning: Subtraction var = var1 - var2; // Operator: * // Meaning: Multiplication var = var1 * var2; // Operator: / // Meaning: Division var = var1 / var2; // Operator: % // Meaning: Remainder var = var1 % var2; // Operator: ++ // Meaning: Increment by 1 var++; // Operator: -- // Meaning: Decrease by 1 var--; // Operator: += // Meaning: Increment by X var += 5; // Operator: -= // Meaning: Decrease by X var -= 5; // Operator: *= // Meaning: Multiply by X var *= 5; // Operator: /= // Meaning: Divide by X var /= 5;
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    What are Relational Operators? Relational operators compare one value to another. The comparison operators available in CoDScript are: == (Tests if the two operands are equal.) != (Tests if the two operands are not equal.) < (Tests if operand 1 is smaller than operand 2.) > (Tests if operand 1 is larger than operand 2.) <= (Tests if operand 1 is smaller than or equal to operand 2.) >= (Tests if operand 1 is larger than or equal to operand 2.) All relational operators result in a boolean value (true or false). Examples of how to use Relational Operators if (var1 == var2) // Do something if (var1 >= var2) // Do something if (var1 <= var2) // Do something while (var1 > var2) // Do something What are Logical Operators? Logical operators are used to check for multiple conditions (or sometimes if a condition is not true). A logic statement only returns true or false, so to have multiple conditions we use logical operators. Here's a list of the logical operators for CoDScript, what they mean and an example of how to use them: // The first logical operator: && // Meaning: AND if (bool1 == true && bool2 == true) { // If both bool1 and bool2 are true, execute code here } // The second logical operator: || // Meaning: OR if (bool1 == true || bool2 == true) { // If either bool1 or bool2 is true, execute code here } // The third logical operator: ! // Meaning: NOT if (!bool == true) { // If bool is NOT true, execute code here }
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    What is threading? When calling a function regularly, your code will wait until the called function has finished or returned a value. If you want to run asynchronous functions you'll need to use threading which does not require your code to wait for the threaded function to finish or return a value. When to use threading? This all depends on the purpose of your script. In general, you want to avoid threading as much as possible as it requires extra resources to thread a function as opposed to regularly calling it. The only time you should ever thread a function is if you want to run this function asynchronously from your current code. A great example of this is calling functions on entities in an array. You'll usually want to thread these (there are exceptions, of course) as otherwise your're going to be waiting for one function to finish before going onto the next one. How to use threading? Threading is as simple as putting "thread" in front of your function call: function(); // Regular function call thread function(); // Threaded function call