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iiManix last won the day on December 13 2018

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About iiManix

  • Birthday 01/01/70

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Call of Duty 4

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  1. Good luck Zeron
  2. Isn't fun the default one? Huh?
  3. They did!
  4. YIKES - do you agree @Mist? But hiiiii
  5. Hola
  6. mp_deathrun_fluxx
  7. Especially the chicken and b42 explosion, iconic of old Raid
  8. Really liked the old raid level 80 icon, was so iconic.
  9. Only proves the song needs to be added
  10. Scroll up.
  11. Been wanting to this for a while. Whenever me (or anyone else) tells @atrX about a problem, he recommends we make a topic. To make life easier for him, I'll put all the things in the server/mod that need fixing/changing. If anyone else has any issues put them here for him too, at least everything will be in one place for him. Mod: HUD says free run instead of practice run (trivial). Slight clipping of WASD screen to spectator instructions (trivial). Chance for 2 Activators to be picked when the previous Activator leaves. Noticed that sometimes, it takes quite a few clicks for weapons/chars/trails/sprays etc. to be selected. Maps: mp_dr_droid - custom weapons need adding, forces every player to be ratchet and clank. mp_dr_slayv2 (sorry Slaya) - forces custom viewhands. mp_dr_overgrown - forces custom viewhands. mp_deathrun_sonic - every player is sonic, takes away from the VIP feature (imo). mp_deathrun_mine - forces every character to be Steve. Especially annoying, his head is huge and causes some vision issues in the lava maze. mp_dr_imaginary - questionable music activation method. mp_dr_laboratory - can shoot a board that will redirect you to a dead server. mp_deathrun_easy - " Maps with questionable end triggers: mp_deathrun_epicfail - Ghosts can enter endrooms. mp_dr_gooby - " mp_dr_wtf - " Most of these are completely trivial nit-picks, but It's important to me, @atrX and the entire community that the server is, well, perfect. Any more issues from other players, put them in here. @atrX feel free to edit the post to confirm your changes in the future. Thanks everyone
  12. Well thanks for giving me a brain haemorrhage. I can now smell colours.