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Showing most liked content on 01/13/19 in Posts

  1. 3 likes
    Suggest maps that you think should be removed because they are either completely broken or WAY too long/boring. I'LL START Map Name: mp_deathrun_apollo Screenshot: Reason: This map is completely broken, you can break literally every trap on the map. The map takes way too long because theres a secret that nobody can finish, and the map is just a pile. Please, suggest what needs to be removed below so that we can help filter out the trash. Use template below. Map Name: Screenshot: Reason: I'll post more soon too, but anyone please feel free to comment.
  2. 3 likes
    Name: Universe Traps: 9 Length: long Difficulty: Apparently pretty difficult Screenshots: Special Thanks to: Blade, Mist, atrX Download: https://mega.nz/#!yBdgVI7D!FNBnWIDbQJY5ihNbym9qyQgGkRdfDyFcVbS63HkhCgY Alternatively, https://www.moddb.com/mods/braxs-death-run-mod/addons/mp-dr-universe Enjoy
  3. 2 likes
    I've just had time to sit down and realise what little things bug me on the deathrun server, so I came up with some small suggestions that could improve the experience. 1. Rules on the Main Menu (ESC MENU), Just a little thing because !rules just generally spams your console and it can be hard to read them 2. Stats on the Main Menu (ESC MENU): At the end of the game you are able to see how many times you've killed someone, how many times you've died etc, would be nice to have a page on the menu to see these stats, see image below for reference. 3. Deathrun settings on the Main Menu (ESC MENU): Any chance we can get this menu back from the original raid? I understand that we can use the B-4 menu but having an menu page for would be a lot more ideal for new players. This menu could be where the current options menu is, with the settings & controls options being within that menu. 4. When spectating players, it would be nice to see who's actually alive and who's a ghost player, a little icon next to the word SPECTATING at the top of the screen would be ideal. This one might be a stretch, however, if you can implement this I would be quite thankful. 5. Timer in ghost mode? 6. I'm always gonna mention this RTV option, however, hear me out. !rtv would be a command that would allow the players to skip the current map and choose from a selection of 3 other maps. ( !1 for map 1 / !2 for map 2 / !3 for map 3) In order to prevent the command being spammed, after you have 'RTVed' a map, you have to wait a minimum of 3-5 maps until you can use it again, additionally when you type !rtv, you would need at least 75% of the server to !rtv too otherwise the vote will not go through. 7. When you B42 make it say <PLAYER> has spontaneously combusted, like in the original raid. This is all I've got for now, but i'll reply with another post if I end up thinking of more
  4. 1 like
    Can confirm, after running the map for the first time it took the entire length of the round to complete on apollo. (Granted I was being careful as I hadn't played it before but still, a map should not be that long. I don't recommend making the times longer, I recommend removing shit maps where they are extremely long.
  5. 1 like
    Pls make it like the old raid one fam instead of the basic stats you see
  6. 1 like
    Good idea. Fairly easy to implement, I'll see if I can implement it in the next update. I'll put it in the backlog for now. I want to add it but atm really cba tbh. Nah, but seriously, I'll see if I can add it for next update. Perfectly possible and already on my to-do list, actually. Timer was disabled in ghost mode for good reason, it wouldn't sync up with regular play (freeze at the start of the round, start doors etc.). At that point it'll just see no use. People can just play the maps they vote for. I'm adding a lot of suggested maps to the rotation in the next update anyway so it'll feel somewhat fresh again. Will do, along with the sound effect.